Moving house isn’t just a case of location, as for many parents it’s also about education. Choosing a good school for your child is vitally important. Here’s a list of Do’s and Dont’s that we hope may help with your decision.
Do… keep it in mind that while academic results are important, equally as crucial is a dynamic all round education coupled with a welcoming ethos of inclusion and engagement.
Do… consider if it is the right school for your child. Whether your child excels at maths, music, arts or sports, will their talents be challenged and stretched?
Do… discover if the school encourages participation from parents. Are parents actively encouraged to get involved with school matters and activities?
Do… make sure you prepare a detailed checklist for the Open Day and use .
Don’t… be afraid to quiz the teachers. If they are enthusiastic it’s bound to rub off on your children
Don’t… forget to get figures on how many pupils go onto to university/Oxbridge.
Don’t… overlook transport issues. If you’re not keen on a long commute to work it’s unlikely your child is that keen to spend a large chunk of the day getting to school
Don’t… forget to take into account your child’s views and feelings about the school. Consider whether they will be happy there